Can I Take Biotin While Pregnant? (Quick Answer!)

By KidSpaceStuff •  Updated: 04/24/24 •  6 min read

Pregnancy is a delicate period where every intake, from the food we eat to the supplements we consider, undergoes scrutiny for the well-being of both the mother and the baby. “Can I take biotin while pregnant?” is a question that resonates with many expecting mothers, as the quest for lustrous hair and glowing skin doesn’t take a backseat even during those nine months. 

In this post, I’ll dive deep into the safety and efficacy of biotin consumption during pregnancy, backed by scientific evidence. So, if you’ve been wondering about the do’s and don’ts of biotin during this crucial period, read on to get all the insights.

Can You Take Biotin While Pregnant?

Close up Biotin Capsules and Bottle on Brown Plate

Yes, you can take biotin while pregnant, but it’s essential to stick to the recommended daily intake, which is between 30 mcg and 35 mcg. 

Biotin is considered safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding when consumed in these recommended amounts. However, high doses might be potentially hazardous. Always consult a healthcare provider before starting or continuing any supplements during pregnancy.

What is Biotin?

Biotin, also referred to as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, is one of the B complex vitamins that assist the body in converting food into energy. “biotin” derives from the ancient Greek meaning “life-giving.” It can be found in various foods, including eggs, milk, and bananas. 

Biotin plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of hair and nails. A biotin deficiency might lead to hair thinning and facial rashes. Additionally, biotin supports a healthy pregnancy, helps manage blood sugar levels, and offers several other health benefits.

Role of Biotin in Pregnancy

Biotin, commonly known as vitamin B7, is vital to our body’s energy production. During pregnancy, the demand for energy increases, making biotin even more essential.

In the context of pregnancy, biotin has several vital roles:

  1. Supports Fetal Development: Biotin assists in the formation of essential body structures in the growing baby.
  2. Maintains Mother’s Health: Adequate biotin levels can help the mother keep healthy hair, skin, and nails during pregnancy.
  3. Helps in Energy Production: The body requires more energy as the fetus grows. Biotin aids in converting food into this much-needed energy.
  4. Supports Healthy Pregnancy: Some studies suggest that biotin can help a healthy pregnancy by contributing to the body’s overall well-being.

Benefits of Taking Biotin While Pregnant

Given the increased nutritional demands, its importance becomes even more pronounced during pregnancy. When pregnant women take the recommended amount of biotin, they can expect several benefits:

Possible Side Effects and Concerns

When taking any supplement or medication, being aware of potential side effects and concerns is essential. Similarly, with biotin, while it’s generally considered safe, it’s not without possible side effects:

It’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare provider before starting or changing the dose of biotin, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or on medication. They can guide the correct dosage and monitor for any side effects.

Alternative Natural Sources of Biotin

Biotin, fondly dubbed the “beauty vitamin,” isn’t just found in supplements on the store shelves. Nature has generously sprinkled this vital nutrient in many foods we enjoy daily.

#1: Eggs 

Specifically, the yolk is a rich source of biotin. So, the next time you’re whipping up an omelet, remember you’re giving yourself a biotin boost!

#2: Nuts and Seeds 

Almonds, walnuts, and sunflower seeds aren’t just tasty snacks; they’re also excellent sources of biotin.

#3: Salmon 

This pink-fleshed fish isn’t just about omega-3s. It’s also packed with biotin, making it an excellent choice for pescatarians.

#4: Dairy Products 

Milk, cheese, and yogurt offer a delightful dose of biotin along with their creamy goodness.

#5: Avocado 

Aside from being a trendy toast topper, avocados are also a fantastic source of biotin.

#6: Sweet Potatoes 

These colorful tubers aren’t just delicious but also brimming with biotin.


Is there a recommended dosage of biotin specifically for pregnant women?

Yes, the recommended dosage of biotin for pregnant women is 5 to 35 mcg daily.

Are there any known risks for the fetus if I consume biotin?

No specific risks to the fetus have been identified with average biotin intake. However, always adhere to recommended dosages and consult with a healthcare provider.

Can biotin affect my prenatal tests?

Yes, high doses of biotin can interfere with specific lab tests, potentially leading to inaccurate results, including prenatal tests. Always inform the lab and your doctor if you’re taking biotin supplements.

Here’s a great video explaining all the essential supplements for a healthy pregnancy.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, Biotin can be taken while pregnant. 

Biotin, which is also called Vitamin H or Vitamin B7, is a very important part of keeping the skin, hair, and nails healthy. During pregnancy, 30 mcg is the amount that should be taken each day. Even though it’s usually safe and even good for pregnant women, it’s important to stick to the recommended dose and always talk to a doctor before taking any supplement. 

Also, it’s important to know that high doses could make some lab tests inaccurate. As with all vitamins during pregnancy, it’s important to take them in moderation and listen to your doctor.

Check out these other pregnancy related guides!