Can I Eat Gouda Cheese While Pregnant? (Quick Answer!)

By KidSpaceStuff •  Updated: 04/19/24 •  8 min read

Pregnancy comes with its fair share of cravings, and for me, gouda cheese always topped the list.

With its creamy texture and distinct flavor, who could resist? But as a mother of several kids, I’ve learned that not all cheeses are created equal when you’re expecting.

Soft cheeses, especially those made from raw milk, can pose risks, but where does gouda cheese fit into this spectrum?

Delving into the world of cheeses, pasteurization, and pregnancy, I’ve set out to answer the burning question: “Can I eat gouda cheese while pregnant?”

Can You Eat Gouda Cheese While Pregnant?

Delicious Gouda Cheese

Yes, you can eat Gouda cheese during pregnancy just like burrata cheese.

Gouda is a hard or semi-hard cheese, which makes it unlikely to harbor bacteria that could be harmful to you or your baby. In addition, Gouda cheese is often made from pasteurized milk, further reducing the risk of contamination.

Gouda cheese can be a good source of nutrients for pregnant women. It contains protein, calcium, and vitamin B12, which are essential for both your health and your baby’s development. Including Gouda cheese in your diet can help you meet your nutritional needs during pregnancy.

When choosing Gouda cheese during pregnancy, it’s essential to check the label to ensure it is made from pasteurized milk. Although most Gouda cheese is typically pasteurized, some artisanal or imported varieties may use raw milk. Consuming unpasteurized cheese could expose you to harmful bacteria, such as listeria, which can pose risks to your pregnancy.

In summary, Gouda cheese can be safely consumed during pregnancy as long as it is made from pasteurized milk and stored correctly. Remember to keep it refrigerated to minimize the chance of bacterial growth. Enjoy Gouda cheese in moderation as part of a balanced and nutritious pregnancy diet.

Dangers of Gouda Cheese During Pregnancy

Consequences of Listeria Infection During Pregnancy

Listeria is a harmful bacteria that can cause listeriosis, a type of food poisoning that leads to vomiting and diarrhea. Pregnant women and young children are more susceptible to this illness. If you contract listeria during pregnancy, it can result in severe complications like miscarriage, premature birth, or even stillbirth.

For this reason, it’s essential to be cautious when consuming cheeses, including Gouda, during pregnancy. The good news is that most Gouda cheese is made from pasteurized milk, which significantly reduces the risk of listeria infection. However, always check the label to ensure you’re consuming pasteurized cheese.

Considerations for Cheese Consumption During Pregnancy

To minimize the risks associated with cheese consumption during pregnancy, follow these guidelines:

Remember, Gouda cheese can be a nutritious addition to your diet during pregnancy, contributing to strong bones and teeth due to its calcium content. By exercising caution and choosing pasteurized products, you can enjoy Gouda cheese safely while pregnant.

Gouda Cheese Nutrition

Gouda cheese is a popular and versatile cheese that can be a part of a healthy diet. When it comes to consuming Gouda cheese during pregnancy, you can safely incorporate it into your meals as long as it’s made from pasteurized milk. Below, you’ll learn about the nutritional benefits of Gouda cheese, which can contribute to a balanced diet during pregnancy.

Rich in Protein: Gouda cheese is a great source of protein, providing 7.1 grams per ounce. Protein plays a crucial role in your baby’s growth and development, as well as maintaining your own muscle mass and energy levels during pregnancy.

Calcium and Phosphorus: Both calcium (198mg per ounce) and phosphorus (155mg per ounce) are abundant in Gouda cheese, making it an excellent source of these essential minerals. Calcium aids in building and maintaining strong bones and teeth for both you and your baby, while phosphorus works alongside calcium to support bone health.

Zinc: With 1.11mg of zinc per ounce, Gouda cheese can contribute to your daily zinc intake. This mineral is essential for a healthy immune system, DNA synthesis, and cell division, which are all crucial processes during pregnancy.

Vitamin B12: Gouda cheese contains 0.4mcg of vitamin B12 per ounce, making it a good source of this essential nutrient that helps with cell division, brain development, and the formation of red blood cells. Adequate vitamin B12 intake during pregnancy is important for your baby’s nervous system development and overall growth.

Keep in mind that while Gouda cheese provides valuable nutrients, it is also high in fat and calories, so you should consume it in moderation. Including Gouda cheese as a part of a balanced pregnancy diet, combined with other nutrient-dense foods and plenty of fluids, can support a healthy and comfortable pregnancy for you and your baby.

Safe Gouda Cheese Alternatives When Pregnant

If you’re questioning whether Gouda cheese is safe to consume during pregnancy, you will be relieved to hear that it is generally safe. However, there are other cheese alternatives that you can consider for added variety or if you’d like to explore other options.

Hard cheeses are the safest options during pregnancy as they contain less moisture, reducing the chances of bacterial growth. Some popular hard cheeses to consider include:

Aged cheeses are typically low in moisture as well. Examples of aged cheeses include:

For those who prefer softer cheeses, opt for pasteurized varieties to ensure they are safe for consumption during pregnancy. Some of these include:

Finally, processed cheese is another safe alternative during pregnancy, as it is made from pasteurized milk and contains additives to extend shelf life. However, keep in mind that these types of cheeses can be high in sodium and artificial ingredients, so consume them in moderation.


What types of cheese should be avoided in pregnancy?

During pregnancy, you should avoid consuming soft cheeses with white rinds, such as Brie and Camembert, as well as blue-veined cheeses like Roquefort and Gorgonzola. These cheeses can harbor Listeria bacteria, which may cause an infection known as listeriosis. Listeriosis can lead to complications like miscarriage, premature labor, and infections in the newborn. Stick to hard cheeses or pasteurized soft cheeses to stay on the safe side.

Are there benefits to eating cheese while pregnant?

Cheese can offer numerous benefits during pregnancy, as it is a rich source of protein, calcium, and essential vitamins for both you and your developing baby. Hard cheeses like Cheddar, Swiss, or Gouda provide a nutritious snack, while cottage cheese and ricotta can be safely added to your meals.

Is it safe to eat pasteurized Gouda during pregnancy?

Yes, it is safe to eat pasteurized Gouda cheese during pregnancy. Pasteurization is a process that heats food to a specific temperature to kill off harmful bacteria, such as Listeria. Most Gouda cheeses you’ll find in the United States are pasteurized, making them safe for pregnant women to consume.

Can you consume soft cheese when pregnant?

While soft cheeses with white rinds and blue-veined varieties should be avoided, it is safe for pregnant women to consume pasteurized soft cheeses. Examples of safe options include cream cheese, mozzarella, feta, and goat cheese made from pasteurized milk. Always double-check the label to ensure that the cheese is made with pasteurized milk before consuming it during pregnancy.

Want to make Gouda Cheese? Check out the video below!

Final Thoughts

Navigating the maze of foods to eat or avoid during pregnancy can be a daunting task. However, the good news for gouda lovers is that most gouda cheeses, especially those made from pasteurized milk, are considered safe to eat.

The key lies in ensuring the cheese has undergone the pasteurization process, reducing harmful bacteria.

As with all foods during pregnancy, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice. So, fellow expecting mothers, we can enjoy that delicious slice of gouda with crackers, but always prioritize the health of our unborn baby and ourselves.

Have other pregnancy related questions? Check out these guides!