Can You Crack Your Back While Pregnant? (Quick Answer!)

By KidSpaceStuff •  Updated: 04/23/24 •  9 min read

The gentle pop of a cracked back can be an instant relief for many, but caution takes center stage when an expecting mother is at the heart of that sweet release. Is it safe for a pregnant woman to crack her back, or are there hidden risks behind this seemingly innocent act? 

In this article, I’ll delve deep into chiropractic care during pregnancy, unpacking the pros and cons of back-cracking and providing expert insights to guide every mother-to-be. Whether you’re curious about science or seeking practical advice, we’ve got your back. Literally. Let’s dig in!

Can You Crack Your Back While Pregnant?

A pregnant woman is trying to stretch her back.

Back cracking is safe for pregnant women as long as they take care and do it properly.

Cracking your back while pregnant is not explicitly recommended, especially without professional advice. As one advances in pregnancy, it may become increasingly challenging to break the back due to bodily changes. Should you encounter backaches, it’s prudent to ask your doctor about suitable stretching and low-impact exercises that might help. Additionally, it’s crucial to exercise caution with any twisting or rotation movements during pregnancy, ensuring they are safe for both mother and child.

Understanding the Pregnant Body

The pregnancy journey is a remarkable transformation that the female body undergoes to nurture and bring a new life into the world. Here’s a straightforward breakdown to help you comprehend the wonders of the pregnant body:

Hormonal Symphony

Pregnancy starts with a burst of hormones, primarily progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). These hormones prepare the body to nurture the fetus and support the growth of the placenta and the fetus itself.

The Expanding Uterus

Starting from the size of an orange, the uterus stretches and grows to accommodate the developing baby, becoming as big as a watermelon by the end!

Breasts Prepare for Nutrition

The breasts become fuller and more sensitive as they prepare for breastfeeding. This change is again due to hormonal influences and the development of milk-producing cells.

Increased Blood Volume

The body produces extra blood during pregnancy to ensure the fetus gets enough oxygen and nutrients. This can lead to a more rapid heartbeat and sometimes even mild swelling in the ankles and feet.

Respiratory Changes

With the baby growing, there’s pressure on the diaphragm, causing some women to feel short of breath. Don’t worry; the body adapts by taking deeper breaths.

Spinal and Postural Adjustments

As the baby grows, a woman’s center of gravity shifts. To compensate, there’s a natural tendency to push the shoulders back and arch the lower back, sometimes resulting in backaches.

Digestive System

The increasing size of the uterus pushes against the stomach and intestines, potentially causing heartburn and constipation. The body’s heightened efficiency also means absorbing more of certain nutrients from foods, such as calcium.

The Science Behind Back Cracking

Have you ever stretched out in the morning and felt that satisfying pop in your back? Or maybe you’ve visited a chiropractor for that professional touch and left feeling refreshed? Let’s go into the simple science behind this common phenomenon, back cracking.

1. What’s That Sound?: The cracking sound from our joints, especially the back, is akin to the pop of a soda can being opened. At the heart of our joints is a lubricating substance called synovial fluid. This fluid contains dissolved gases like oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. When you stretch or twist your spine, the pressure in the joint changes, causing these gases to form tiny bubbles. The popping sound you hear? That’s the result of these bubbles quickly collapsing.

2. Is it Harmful?: In most cases, cracking your back is natural and not harmful. For many, it brings about a sense of relief. This is because the action can release joint tension and increase the range of motion. However, excessive or forceful cracking can lead to injury, especially without proper technique. That’s why it’s always recommended to approach a professional, like a chiropractor, if you want to adjust your back.

3. Why Does It Feel Good?: When you crack your back, not only is there a physical release of tension, but your body also releases endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s natural painkillers, giving you a brief sensation of euphoria and relaxation.

4. Why Can’t I Crack My Back Again Right Away?: After you’ve successfully cracked your back, you might notice that you can’t recreate that sound immediately. This is because it takes some time for the gases in the synovial fluid to dissolve again. Once they’re back in solution, your joint is “ready” to be cracked again.

Risks of Cracking Your Back During Pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant, her body goes through many changes to support the growing baby. These changes can sometimes make the back feel stiff or uncomfortable. Some people might want to crack or pop their back to get relief. But there are risks to consider during pregnancy:

Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of significant physical change, sometimes leading to discomfort or pain. Chiropractic care, which involves adjusting the spine and other body parts, can benefit expecting mothers. Here are five simple benefits of considering chiropractic treatments during pregnancy: 

#1: Pain Relief

 Many pregnant women experience back pain due to the added weight and change in posture. Chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate this pain by aligning the spine and relieving pressure on specific areas.

#2: Improved Posture 

As the baby grows, a woman’s center of gravity shifts, often leading to posture changes. Chiropractic care can help correct posture imbalances, making it easier for pregnant women to move and walk.

#3: Easier Labor and Delivery 

Regular chiropractic adjustments can help align the pelvis, potentially making childbirth smoother and reducing the risk of complications.

#4: Reduce Nausea 

Chiropractic care might help manage and reduce pregnancy-related nausea or morning sickness for some women.

#5: Overall Wellness 

Regular adjustments can enhance the nervous system’s function, improving overall well-being. This can be beneficial for both the mother and the baby.

Safe Alternatives to Back Cracking

Suppose you’re feeling discomfort in your back and are tempted to crack or pop it. In that case, safer alternatives can offer relief without the risks associated with self-adjustment. First and foremost, gentle stretching exercises can be immensely beneficial. 

For example, simple yoga poses or stretches that target the back can help alleviate tension and promote flexibility. Physical therapy is another avenue to explore; trained therapists can provide exercises and treatments tailored to your needs. Also, massage therapy can help relax tight muscles and improve circulation, relieving back pain. 

It’s also worth considering professional chiropractic adjustments, where a licensed chiropractor can properly align your spine in a safe environment. Remember, before trying any new treatment or exercise, like playing golf, it’s always a good idea to consult with an appropriate healthcare professional to ensure it’s suitable for you.


Is it safe to see a chiropractor while pregnant?

It is generally considered safe to see a chiropractor while pregnant, provided the chiropractor is trained in prenatal care. Many chiropractors are trained to work with pregnant women, and some even specialize in prenatal and postnatal care. Before starting any treatment, it’s essential to inform your chiropractor about your pregnancy status and any concerns so they can adjust their techniques accordingly and use tables that accommodate a pregnant woman’s changing body.

Why does my back hurt more during pregnancy?

The increased back pain during pregnancy can be attributed to various physiological and hormonal changes. As the baby grows, your center of gravity shifts forward, and this change can put more strain on your lower back. Additionally, during pregnancy, hormonal changes lead to the softening of ligaments and the loosening of pelvic joints. This can result in instability and pain. Moreover, the added weight of the growing baby places extra stress on the spine and muscles, potentially contributing to discomfort.

Here’s a great video from a professional Physical Therapist that will show you proper pregnancy stretches!

Final Thoughts 

To conclude, it is safe for pregnant women to crack their backs. 

 While it’s generally not recommended to break your back while pregnant, it’s essential to understand the underlying reasons and safer alternatives. Pregnancy is a period of significant physical and hormonal changes, making the body more susceptible to potential strains or injuries. 

Cracking the back, especially without professional guidance, can pose risks to both the mother and baby. Instead of self-adjustment, pregnant women can explore safer alternatives like chiropractic care, gentle stretching, or massage therapy, all of which can offer relief from discomfort. Prioritizing the safety and well-being of both the mother and the baby should always be the foremost consideration. Thanks for reading!

Have other pregnancy related questions? Give these guide a read!