How Fast Does Kids Hair Grow (Quick Answer!)

By KidSpaceStuff •  Updated: 07/02/24 •  8 min read

Hair growth is one of nature’s mysteries that often leaves parents in awe, especially regarding their little ones. Have you ever laid your child down for a nap and thought, upon waking them, that their hair looked just a tad longer? It might not be just your imagination! 

In this article, I’ll delve into the fascinating world of hair growth in children, uncovering the speed at which it grows and the various factors that influence its pace.

Now, How Fast Does Kids’ Hair Grow?

A girl with long, gorgeous hair

On average, a child’s hair grows about half an inch per month, which is about 5 to 6 inches per year. 

Some of the things that can affect a child’s normal growth rate are their age, the type of hair they have, and how healthy they are in general. There may be some small differences, but the total number is always the same, no matter where it comes from.

The Science Behind Hair Growth

Hair growth in kids, like adults, occurs in cycles. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  1. Anagen Phase (Growth Phase): This is when the hair grows. This phase can last several years for kids, resulting in longer hair.
  2. Catagen Phase (Transitional Phase): After the growth phase, hair enters this short phase where it stops growing and detaches from the blood supply.
  3. Telogen Phase (Resting Phase): The old hair rests while a new hair begins to grow underneath. After some time, the old hair falls out, and the new one replaces it.

Nutrition, genetics, and health play roles in hair growth. Kids usually have a more extended anagen phase than adults, so their hair seems to increase.

Factors Affecting Hair Growth in Kids

Hair growth in kids is an intriguing process and is influenced by various factors. Just like a plant needs suitable soil, water, and sunlight to grow, hair needs the right conditions. Let’s take a simple look at the main factors affecting hair growth in kids:

  1. Genetics: Just like you might inherit your mom’s eyes or your dad’s smile, the rate of hair growth, its thickness, and its color are all passed down in families.
  2. Nutrition: Eating a balanced diet is crucial. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals, especially biotin, vitamin E, and iron, play a significant role in hair health.
  3. Health Conditions: Some illnesses or medical conditions, like thyroid disorders or alopecia, can impact hair growth.
  4. Hormones: Changes in hormone levels, especially during puberty, can influence hair growth.
  5. Scalp Health: A healthy scalp is the foundation for healthy hair. Conditions like dandruff or fungal infections can hinder hair growth.
  6. Medications: Some medicines or treatments, like chemotherapy, can affect hair growth.
  7. Stress: Yes, even kids can experience stress! And, just like in adults, high-stress levels can impact hair health.
  8. Hair Care: Rough handling, pulling, or using harsh products can weaken hair and affect its growth.

Age-Based Hair Growth in Children

Children’s hair growth is a fascinating journey that evolves as they age. From a newborn’s delicate fuzz to an adolescent’s thick mane, hair growth changes at various stages of a child’s life. Let’s break down the age-based steps:

Newborns (0-3 months)

Some babies are born with a thick hair coat, while others have very little or none. This initial hair, “lanugo,” might fall out in the first few months.

Infants (4-12 months)

Hair starts to grow at a steadier rate. Its texture and color might change from what it was at birth.

Toddlers (1-3 years)

Hair becomes thicker and covers the entire scalp. It may still be softer and finer than in later childhood.

Early Childhood (4-6 years)

Hair texture might change, becoming curly, straight, or wavy. The hair growth rate increases and hair becomes more muscular.

Late Childhood (7-12 years)

Hair characteristics (like color, thickness, and curl) are more established by this age. Hair growth continues consistently, though the speed might differ from child to child.

Adolescence (13+ years)

Hormonal changes during puberty can affect hair growth and texture. Some kids might experience increased hair growth, not just on their heads but also on other parts of the body.

Myths and Misconceptions about Kids’ Hair Growth

Here’s a simple breakdown of myths and misconceptions about kids’ hair growth:

  1. Cutting Makes It Grow Faster: Many believe that frequently trimming a child’s hair will make it grow quicker. This is false. Hair growth occurs at the scalp, not the ends. Cutting hair only affects its length, not its growth rate.
  2. Shaving Will Make Hair Thicker: Shaving a baby’s head or any part of their hair with the belief it’ll grow back thicker is a myth. When hair regrows, it may appear thicker or coarser initially, but it doesn’t change its texture or density.
  3. Hair Texture is Permanent: The texture of a child’s hair at birth may not be the texture they have as they grow up. It’s common for babies to change hair texture and color as they age.
  4. Bald Babies Will Remain Bald: Just because babies are born with little to no hair doesn’t mean they’ll remain bald. Hair growth patterns can change dramatically as a child grows.
  5. Regular Oiling Accelerates Growth: While oil can help maintain the health of the scalp and hair, it doesn’t necessarily accelerate hair growth. Proper nutrition and genetics play a larger role in hair growth than external applications.
  6. Brushing Hair 100 Times Makes It Healthy: Excessive brushing can damage hair and cause breakage. Gentle brushing to detangle and style is enough.
  7. Certain Hair Products Make Hair Grow Faster: While some products can nourish the scalp and hair, no magic potion dramatically speeds up hair growth.

Tips to Promote Healthy Hair Growth in Kids

Children need proper care to ensure their hair remains healthy and grows well like adults. The foundation of luscious locks starts at a young age. Here are seven straightforward tips to promote healthy hair growth in kids:

Tip #1: Balanced Diet 

Ensure your child eats a nutritious diet rich in vitamins and minerals, especially those that promote hair growth like biotin, vitamin E, and iron. Foods like eggs, nuts, and leafy green salads are great additions.

Tip #2: Gentle Hair Products 

Opt for mild, natural shampoos and conditioners specifically designed for children. Harsh chemicals can strip natural oils and damage hair.

Tip #3: Regular Trims 

While cutting doesn’t make hair grow faster, regular trims help eliminate split ends, ensuring the hair looks healthy and grows without breakage.

Tip #4: Avoid Tight Hairstyles 

Tight braids or ponytails can cause stress on the hair and scalp, leading to breakage and potential hair loss. Opt for loose styles instead.

Tip #5: Protect from Chlorine 

If your child swims, ensure they wear a swimming cap, and rinse their hair after swimming to remove chlorine, which can be drying and damaging.

Tip #6: Limit Heat Styling 

Avoid or minimize using heated hair tools like blow dryers, straighteners, or curling irons. If needed, use them at the lowest heat setting.

Tip #7: Scalp Massages 

Gentle scalp massages stimulate blood circulation, promoting hair growth. Plus, it’s relaxing!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it normal for babies to lose their hair in the first few months?

Yes, it’s normal. Many babies experience hair loss in the first six months due to a hormone drop after birth. This is called “telogen effluvium.”

How can I tell if my child’s hair growth is normal?

Average hair growth for children involves a steady growth phase, followed by rest periods. Suppose your child has consistent bald patches, fragile hair by age 2, or excessive hair shedding. In that case, it might be a cause for concern and you should consult a pediatrician. Otherwise, variations in thickness, length, and timing are typically normal.

Does stress affect hair growth in children?

Yes, stress can affect hair growth in children. Just like in adults, severe or chronic stress can lead to hair shedding or alopecia areata in some kids. If you suspect stress-related hair issues, it’s essential to address the root cause and consult with a healthcare professional.

Are you curious how to grow kids natural hair fast? Check out the video below!

Final Thoughts

To conclude, most kids’ hair grows about half an inch per month, about 6 inches yearly. 

Even though genes, diet, and general health can affect this rate, most children grow steadily as they age. It’s important to realize that every kid is different, and that’s okay. With the proper care, a healthy diet, and knowing their hair type, you can ensure your child’s hair stays healthy and full of life as they grow up.