Can You Get Braces While Pregnant? (Quick Answer!)

By KidSpaceStuff •  Updated: 04/18/24 •  7 min read

When it comes to celebrating important moments in life, having a child and wanting a beautiful smile are hard to beat. But can these two worlds work well together? Many soon-to-be moms wonder if it’s safe to get braces while they’re pregnant. 

In this article, I’ll dive deep into the factors that should be considered, unveil expert opinions, and offer guidance to help you make an informed decision for your smile and your little one on the way.

Can You Get Braces While Pregnant?

Pregnant Woman Having Teeth Examined At Dentists

You can get braces while pregnant, and it is generally considered safe. 

But there are some important things to keep in mind. If you need X-rays or orthodontic scans, it’s best to get them done before you get pregnant or in the early stages of pregnancy, when the baby is less sensitive to radiation. Talk to your dentist and obstetrician before starting orthodontic treatment while you’re pregnant to make sure the plan is safe for you and your baby. 

The Physical Process of Getting Braces

Initial Consultation

What to expect during your first orthodontist visit:

When you first visit the orthodontist, they will examine your teeth, often taking X-rays or molds to get a clearer view of your dental structure. This helps them understand what kind of treatment you might need. It’s a bit like getting a map of your mouth!

Discussing potential risks or concerns with your orthodontist:

Every person’s mouth is unique, so it’s important to discuss any worries or questions you might have. Your orthodontist will also explain any potential risks or side effects of getting braces. This is your chance to ask anything, no matter how minor it seems.

Procedure Involved

Understanding the braces application process:

  1. Cleaning: First, your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned and dried.
  2. Bonding: A safe glue is applied to your teeth, which will hold the braces in place.
  3. Bracket Placement: Small metal or ceramic pieces, called brackets, are then attached to each glued tooth.
  4. Connecting: A wire, which helps move and align the teeth, is threaded through the brackets. Sometimes, tiny rubber bands are used to secure the wire.

Duration and discomfort associated:

The whole procedure usually takes 1-2 hours. It’s generally painless, but you might feel some pressure or a slight discomfort as the braces are being placed. After the procedure, your teeth might feel a bit sore for a few days, but this feeling will gradually subside as you adjust to your new braces. Remember, it’s all a step closer to that perfect smile!

Considerations for Pregnant Women

As mothers-to-be prioritize the well-being of their baby, they often wonder about other life choices, like improving their smile with braces. If you’re expecting and considering orthodontic treatment, here’s a simple guide to what you should keep in mind:

  1. Gum Sensitivity: During pregnancy, hormonal changes can make gums more sensitive and prone to bleeding. Braces might cause added discomfort because of this.
  2. X-rays: At the beginning of the braces process, orthodontists often use X-rays to view teeth structure. Although the radiation is minimal, pregnant women are usually advised to avoid X-rays. It’s important to tell your orthodontist if you’re pregnant so they can take necessary precautions or delay the X-ray.
  3. Dental Check-ups: Pregnancy can cause changes in oral health, so more frequent dental visits might be needed. If you’re getting braces, staying on top of your appointments ensures everything’s going well.
  4. Medication and Pain: There might be some pain or discomfort after getting braces. Some pain relievers aren’t recommended during pregnancy, so always consult your doctor before taking any medication.
  5. Dietary Restrictions: With braces, there are certain foods you should avoid. This might overlap with pregnancy cravings, so be prepared for that challenge!
  6. Stress and Discomfort: Pregnancy itself can be a stressful time. Adding the discomfort of braces might increase your focus. It’s essential to consider if this is the right time for you to undergo the process.

Oral Hygiene with Braces During Pregnancy

If you’re pregnant and have braces, taking extra care of your oral hygiene is essential. Here are some of the things you should keep in mind:

Benefits of Getting Braces During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a transformative time marked by physical and emotional changes in a woman’s life. While many may not associate this period with dental adjustments, there are a few reasons why getting braces during pregnancy can be beneficial. Here are five benefits:

#1: Addressing Hormonal Effects on Teeth 

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect the spacing and position of teeth. Getting braces during this period can help counteract these changes, ensuring teeth stay in their desired place.

#2: Improved Oral Health: 

As the gums can become more sensitive and prone to issues like gingivitis during pregnancy, having braces can motivate increased attention to oral hygiene. This heightened attention can lead to improved overall oral health.

#3: Confidence Boost: 

Pregnancy can sometimes cause self-esteem fluctuations. Having a straighter smile in progress can boost confidence, making expectant mothers feel good about their appearance as they anticipate their new arrival.

#4: Convenient Timing: 

For some women, pregnancy might be a period where they’re less active professionally or socially, making it a suitable time to go through the orthodontic process. They can get used to braces and adapt to the necessary care routine during this period.

#5: Preparing for the Future: 

Post-pregnancy, many mothers are occupied with newborn care and may find it challenging to allocate time for personal care. By getting braces during pregnancy, they’re proactively addressing their dental needs, ensuring a brighter smile for years.

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Is it safe to get dental x-rays while pregnant?

Dental X-rays are common during pregnancy. Both the American Dental Association and the American Pregnancy Association claim these X-rays are safe during pregnancy. If you tell your dentist you’re pregnant, they can use a lead mask and thyroid collar. If the x-ray isn’t crucial, wait till after birth.

What pain relief options are available for pregnant women with braces?

A few options are available for pregnant women with braces seeking pain relief. A cold compress can alleviate inflammation and pain when applied externally. Inside the mouth, warm salt water rinses can soothe irritated areas, and orthodontic wax can address brackets or wires causing discomfort. If considering over-the-counter pain relievers, Tylenol (acetaminophen) is generally deemed safe, but always consult an obstetrician before taking any medication.

How often should I visit my orthodontist during pregnancy?

Regarding orthodontic appointments during pregnancy, the usual schedule of visits every 4-8 weeks should be maintained. This regularity is essential as pregnancy can bring about increased gum sensitivity and other oral changes. Regular check-ins with your orthodontist allow monitoring, adjustments, and guidance in managing emerging oral health issues.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, Yes, you can get braces while pregnant. 

It’s essential to prioritize oral health during this transformative period; braces can be part of that journey. However, like all healthcare decisions during pregnancy, it’s crucial to communicate with both dental and medical professionals. They can guide you through the process, ensuring your and your baby’s well-being.

Braces during pregnancy might not be commonplace, with proper consultation and care, it’s a feasible and safe option for those aiming to enhance their oral health. Thanks for reading!