Can You Drink Eggnog While Pregnant? (Quick Answer!)

By KidSpaceStuff •  Updated: 06/16/24 •  7 min read

Eggnog, that creamy, dreamy drink synonymous with festive cheer and cozy winter nights, often sparks a poignant question for expecting mothers: Can I safely sip on this holiday favorite while pregnant? The concern primarily arises from the traditional preparation of eggnog, which involves raw eggs—a food item pregnant women are typically advised to avoid. 

In this article, I’ll delve deep into the ingredients, the potential risks, and the verdict on whether eggnog can be a part of your holiday traditions during pregnancy. Together, let’s uncover the facts and serve up some peace of mind. Let’s dig in!

Can You Drink Eggnog While Pregnant?

Eggnog holiday drink with cinnamon

Eggnog should be avoided unless you are confident it contains pasteurized eggs and is alcohol-free.

Eggnog made with pasteurized eggs and without alcohol is safe for pregnant women. Homemade eggnog that uses raw or undercooked eggs should be avoided, as it carries a risk of salmonella infection, which can be harmful during pregnancy. Commercially prepared eggnog is typically made with pasteurized eggs and is safe to consume.

Additionally, some store-bought eggnogs may contain alcohol. It’s essential to check the label and choose non-alcoholic versions during pregnancy, as alcohol consumption should be avoided.

What is Eggnog?

Eggnog is a creamy drink often enjoyed during the holiday season. It’s made from milk, sugar, eggs, and spices like nutmeg or cinnamon. 

Some versions also include alcohol, such as rum or brandy. The drink has a thick, smooth texture and a sweet, spicy flavor, making it a favorite for many during festive occasions.

Risks of Consuming Eggnog During Pregnancy

Eggnog is a popular drink during the holiday season, made from milk, cream, sugar, whipped eggs, and sometimes alcohol. However, if you’re pregnant, there are a few concerns about drinking eggnog. Let’s simply look at them:

Raw Eggs 

Traditional eggnog recipes often use raw eggs. Raw or undercooked eggs can carry Salmonella, a bacteria that can cause food poisoning. This can be more serious for pregnant women because their immune systems are slightly weaker. A Salmonella infection can lead to severe diarrhea, fever, and even complications for the baby.


Many eggnog recipes include alcohol, like rum or brandy. Consuming alcohol during pregnancy is not recommended because it can lead to fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) and other developmental issues for the baby.

High Calories and Sugar 

While this isn’t a direct risk to the baby, eggnog can be very calorie-dense and high in sugar. Excessive calorie and sugar intake during pregnancy can lead to unnecessary weight gain and gestational diabetes, which can have complications for both mother and baby.

Other Drinks to Consider During Pregnancy

When you’re expecting a baby, staying hydrated is important. But with so many beverage choices out there, knowing which are safe and beneficial for you and your baby is essential. Let’s explore some good drink options during pregnancy:

  1. Water: The ultimate hydrator! It’s essential for delivering nutrients to your baby and helps with digestion, absorption, and regulating body temperature. Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses a day.
  2. Milk: A great source of calcium, which is good for your baby’s developing bones. You can use alternatives like almond, soy, or oat milk if you’re lactose intolerant. Just make sure they’re fortified with calcium and vitamin D.
  3. Pregnancy Teas: Herbal teas like raspberry leaf can be beneficial, but always consult with a healthcare provider first. Avoid teas with too much caffeine or those that might stimulate the uterus.
  4. 100% Fruit or Vegetable Juice: These can be a good source of essential vitamins and minerals. However, they can be high in sugar, so it’s best to consume them in moderation.
  5. Lemon Water: Helps with morning sickness and provides a dose of vitamin C. It’s refreshing and a great alternative if you’re tired of plain water.
  6. Coconut Water: It’s hydrating and is a natural source of electrolytes. It can be an occasional treat but watch out for added sugars in some brands.

Nutritional Benefits of Eggnog

Eggnog, a festive favorite for many during the holiday season, isn’t just delicious. It also packs some nutritional benefits. Let’s break down the good stuff found in this creamy drink:

However, a note of caution: Eggnog can also be high in calories, sugar, and saturated fats, especially when store-bought or when added spirits and sweeteners are involved. So, while it offers some nutritional benefits, it’s best enjoyed in moderation.

Tips When Thinking About Consuming Eggnog While Pregnant

When you’re expecting, you might wonder if it’s safe to enjoy. Here are some simple tips to consider if you’re thinking about sipping some eggnog while pregnant:

TIp #1: Check for Pasteurization: 

Always choose eggnog that’s pasteurized. This means it’s been heat-treated to kill harmful bacteria. Raw eggs, commonly used in homemade eggnog, can contain Salmonella, which is risky during pregnancy.

TIp #2: Skip the Alcohol: 

If the eggnog contains alcohol, it’s best to avoid it. Alcohol can have harmful effects on a developing baby.

TIp #3: Moderation is Key: 

Eggnog can be high in sugar and calories. Even though it has some nutritional benefits, it’s best enjoyed in small amounts to avoid excessive calorie and sugar intake.

TIp #4: Make Your Own: 

If you need clarification on store-bought versions, consider making your eggnog at home. This way, you can control the ingredients, ensuring it’s safe and tailored to your taste.

TIp #5: Ask Your Doctor: 

Always consult your healthcare provider when in doubt. They can give personalized advice based on your health and pregnancy status.


Is store-bought eggnog safe to drink during pregnancy?

Yes, most store-bought eggnogs are pasteurized, which means they’ve been heat-treated to kill harmful bacteria. Always check the label to ensure it’s pasteurized. If it is, drinking during pregnancy is generally safe as long as it doesn’t contain alcohol.

How can I make a pregnancy-safe eggnog at home?

Use pasteurized eggs and milk to eliminate the risk of harmful bacteria. Combine them with sugar, vanilla extract, and nutmeg. Heat the mixture gently (without boiling) until it thickens, constantly stirring. This ensures any potential bacteria is killed. Once cooled, you can add whipped cream for extra richness. Avoid adding alcohol.

Can I have a small amount of alcoholic eggnog while pregnant?

It’s recommended to avoid all alcohol during pregnancy. Even small amounts of alcohol can harm the fetus, including developmental disorders. So, it’s safest to opt for non-alcoholic versions while pregnant.

Here’s a great video discussing the myths and facts about pregnancy.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, you can drink eggnog while pregnant if it is pasteurized and alcohol-free. 

Store-bought versions are typically safe due to pasteurization but always check the label. Homemade eggnog should be made with pasteurized eggs and milk to eliminate bacterial risks. Avoid alcoholic eggnog, as even small amounts of alcohol can pose risks during pregnancy. It’s always best to prioritize safety and consult a healthcare provider if uncertain. Thanks for reading!