Can You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar While Pregnant? (Quick Answer!)

By KidSpaceStuff •  Updated: 04/24/24 •  6 min read

Many health forums talk about how great apple cider vinegar (ACV) is, but when it comes to pregnancy, should this wonder drink be on the menu? Apple cider vinegar is often praised as a flexible remedy. It is said to help with digestion and may help with weight loss. 

In this post, we’ll look at both the facts and the myths about drinking ACV while pregnant. Come with me to find out if pregnant women should see the glass as half full or half empty.

Can You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar While Pregnant?

Apple cider vinegar

Even though it hasn’t been proven that apple cider vinegar is safe, many pregnant women still use it to treat various illnesses. 

No harm or problems have been linked to its use during pregnancy, whether warmed or not. Apple cider vinegar may help with some signs or symptoms of pregnancy. It’s important to know that pasteurized apple cider vinegar is the safest.

The Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, often abbreviated as ACV, has been a popular remedy in many cultures for centuries. Beyond its culinary uses, it packs several health benefits that might surprise you. Here’s a simple breakdown of its advantages:

  1. Digestive Aid: ACV can help soothe an upset stomach. Some believe it aids in digestion and can help reduce bloating.
  2. Blood Sugar Regulation: Some studies have shown that ACV may help stabilize blood sugar levels, which is beneficial, especially for people with type 2 diabetes.
  3. Weight Management: ACV can create a feeling of fullness, potentially helping to curb overeating and support weight loss efforts.
  4. Cholesterol Reduction: Consuming ACV may contribute to lowered harmful cholesterol levels, supporting a healthier heart.
  5. Skin Health: Its antimicrobial properties can help treat acne when applied topically. Plus, it balances the skin’s pH levels.
  6. Sore Throat Relief: Gargling with diluted ACV can soothe a sore throat due to its antibacterial properties.

Potential Risks of Consuming ACV During Pregnancy

When it comes to pregnancy, even common remedies like apple cider vinegar (ACV) require a second look. Consuming ACV during this delicate period can pose certain risks. Here are the key concerns to be aware of:

  1. Tooth Enamel Erosion: ACV is acidic and can weaken and erode tooth enamel, leading to sensitive teeth or cavities.
  2. Digestive Upsets: Some people consume ACV for digestive benefits, but it might not suit everyone. It can sometimes cause or exacerbate heartburn or nausea.
  3. Lower Potassium Levels: Excessive ACV can decrease potassium in the body, which is crucial for both the mother’s and baby’s health.
  4. Delayed Gastric Emptying: ACV can slow down the rate at which food leaves the stomach, complicating blood sugar control.
  5. Drug Interactions: If you’re on medications during pregnancy, ACV can interfere with them, particularly insulin or diuretic medications.

When considering the inclusion of apple cider vinegar (ACV) in your routine, it’s essential to ensure you’re taking the right amount and using the safest method. A commonly recommended dosage for most adults is 1-2 tablespoons (15-30ml) diluted in at least one cup of water daily. 

It’s crucial to dilute ACV because its acidity can be harsh on the teeth and stomach when consumed undiluted. To make the experience more pleasant and to further protect your teeth, consider drinking the diluted ACV through a straw. Additionally, always rinse your mouth with water afterward and wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth. 

Lastly, due to its strong taste, some people prefer to mix ACV with honey or lemon to enhance the flavor. Remember, before making any dietary changes, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it’s suitable for your individual needs.

Alternatives to Drinking ACV

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has garnered attention for its potential health benefits, but only some can or want to include it in their routine. If you’re seeking alternatives to drinking ACV, here are some options to consider:

  1. Lemon Water: Just like ACV, lemon water can help digestion and provides a burst of vitamin C. squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water.
  2. Probiotic Foods: For digestive health, consider foods like yogurt, kefir, or fermented vegetables like sauerkraut or kimchi. They offer beneficial bacteria that can promote a healthy gut.
  3. Green Tea: Known for its antioxidant properties, it can also support weight management and overall well-being.
  4. Raw Honey: With antimicrobial properties, honey can be a sweet alternative for sore throat relief and boosting immunity.
  5. Turmeric: This potent spice has anti-inflammatory properties and can be consumed in teas, lattes, or even as a dish seasoning.


Is it safe to consume unpasteurized ACV during pregnancy?

Consuming unpasteurized products, including ACV, is generally not recommended during pregnancy due to the risk of harmful bacteria.

How can I incorporate ACV into my diet without drinking it directly?

Are there any specific brands or types of ACV that are recommended for pregnant women?

Opt for pasteurized ACV brands during pregnancy to ensure safety. Organic and with “the mother” is preferred for its natural benefits, but make sure it’s pasteurized. Always consult your healthcare provider before introducing any new product into your diet during pregnancy.

Here’s a great video showing you the things you need to know about Apple Cider Vinegar.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, moderate use of apple cider vinegar that has been pasteurized is safe during pregnancy, but apple cider vinegar that has not been processed could be dangerous. 

Apple cider vinegar can be good for your health in several ways, but it’s essential to put safety ahead of any possible benefits when pregnant. Because pregnancy makes you more vulnerable, you should always talk to a doctor or nurse before changing your food. Knowing your choices and choosing the best for both the mother and the baby is essential. Thanks for reading!