Can Kids Use Bath Bombs? (Quick Answer!)

By KidSpaceStuff •  Updated: 04/15/24 •  7 min read

As a parent, I know we are always looking for ways to make things more fun for our kids, even bath time. You’re not the only one who has thought, “Can kids use bath bombs?” Bath bombs are colorful, bubbly additions that make taking a bath feel like a fun science project. 

But are they safe for our children? In this article, we will dive into the world of bath bombs and talk about whether or not they’re suitable for kids and what precautions should be taken to make bath time safe and fun.

Can Kids Use Bath Bombs?

Yes, bath bombs can be used on your kids and have many benefits.

Bath bombs can turn bath time into a fun and exciting experience for children. Made with baking soda, citric acid, and essential oils, these colorful products create a fizzy, bubbly, and vibrant bath that kids usually love. Some bath bombs even have hidden toys inside, adding an extra layer of fun and anticipation as they dissolve in the bathwater.

Check out these amazing bath bombs for kids!

What are Bath Bombs?

Can Kids Use Bath Bombs

Bath bombs are fun, effervescent products used to enhance the bath experience. They’re typically round but can come in many shapes and sizes and are made from a mixture of wet and dry ingredients that fizz when they come into contact with water.

The primary ingredients in most bath bombs are baking soda and citric acid, which create the signature fizzing reaction. Epsom salts are often included for their soothing properties, and oils are added for moisture. Bath bombs also often contain fragrances and colorants to create an aromatic and visually appealing bath experience.

Ingredients in Bath Bombs

Bath bombs comprise several ingredients that create a fun and relaxing bath experience. Here’s a breakdown of common ingredients found in bath bombs:

  1. Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate): This is the primary ingredient in most bath bombs. It reacts with citric acid to create the fizzing sensation that bath bombs are known for.
  2. Citric Acid: This reacts with the baking soda to create a fizz. Citric acid is a weak organic acid found in citrus fruits.
  3. Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate): Often included for their potential soothing and muscle-relaxing properties. They can also help soften the water.
  4. Essential Oils: These are added for their aromatic properties. Different oils can have other effects, such as lavender for relaxation or peppermint for invigoration.
  5. Carrier Oils: These are moisturizing oils like coconut, almond, or jojoba oil, added to leave your skin feeling soft and smooth after the bath.
  6. Colorants: These can be either food-grade dyes or mica powders. They’re included to make the bath water colorful and enhance the overall bath bomb experience.
  7. Fragrance: This can be synthetic fragrance or natural essential oils, used to create a pleasant scent when the bath bomb dissolves.
  8. Other Additives: Some bath bombs may contain herbs, flower petals, glitter, or even small toys or jewelry. These are mainly for visual appeal and can add to the overall experience.

It’s important to note that while most bath bombs use these essential ingredients, there are many variations, and some might include additional components for various effects. Always check the ingredients list if you have sensitive skin or allergies.

Choosing Bath Bombs for Kids

Choosing bath bombs for children involves a few specific considerations to ensure the experience is enjoyable and safe for your little ones. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Check the Ingredients

Make sure to look at the list of ingredients in the bath bomb. Ideally, choose bath bombs with natural ingredients and avoid synthetic fragrances or dyes, as these can sometimes irritate skin. Avoiding products containing potential allergens is essential if your child has sensitive skin or known allergies.

Avoid Glitter or Small Toys

While some bath bombs have glitter or small toys hidden inside, these can be a choking hazard for young children. They may also irritate the skin. It’s best to avoid bath bombs with these components for kids.

Consider the Size

Smaller bath bombs are usually enough for kids’ baths. Large bath bombs might be too overwhelming regarding fragrance and color intensity.

Fun Shapes and Colors

Kids are likely to enjoy bath bombs that come in fun shapes like stars, hearts, or animals, and vibrant colors can make bath time more exciting. Just ensure the colorants are safe and non-staining.

Mild Scents

Overly potent fragrances might be too much for kids. Opt for bath bombs with soft, pleasant scents like lavender, vanilla, or chamomile, which can also have calming effects.

Patch Test

Especially if it’s the first time your child is using a bath bomb, it may be a good idea to do a patch test to check for any skin reaction to the product.

Always supervise your children during bath time, especially when using bath bombs. Ensure they do not ingest bath water, as even natural ingredients can be harmful if swallowed in large amounts.

Making Bath Time Fun and Safe with Bath Bombs

Bath bombs can add a splash of color, fun, and even a bit of science to bath time, making it an exciting activity for children. However, there are some guidelines to follow to ensure this fun is also safe:

  1. Supervise bath time: Always watch your child while they’re in the bath, especially when using bath bombs. Children may be tempted to touch, play, or even taste the fizzy bath bomb, so it’s essential to ensure they’re using it safely.
  2. Explain the purpose of bath bombs: Teach your kids that bath bombs are for bathing, not for playing or eating. Make sure they understand that the bath bomb needs to stay in the water and is not a toy to be taken out of the tub.
  3. Use appropriate bath bombs: As mentioned earlier, choose bath bombs made explicitly for kids. They should be made of natural ingredients and free from solid fragrances, dyes, and other potentially irritating substances.
  4. Monitor for allergic reactions: If you choose bath bombs with natural ingredients, allergies can still occur. Pay attention to changes in your child’s skin during and after the bath. If you notice any redness, itching, or discomfort, discontinue using the bath bomb.
  5. Maintain water temperature: A warm bath is relaxing, but make sure the water is not too hot, as this can enhance the skin’s absorption of substances from the bath bomb.
  6. Rinse after bath: After using a bath bomb, it’s a good idea to rinse off your child’s skin with clean water to remove any residues from the bomb. This can help prevent possible skin irritation.

DIY Bath Bombs for Kids

Kids can have fun and learn while making bath bombs. Kids can make bath bombs by adding colors, toys, and scents.

You might be thinking about how to make bath bombs for kids. Watch the video down below. 

Dry ingredients like baking soda, citric acid, and cornstarch, which pop when mixed, are used to make bath bombs at home. Oils and water wet and hold the blend together. Kids can now put in food coloring or oils that smell good. Any extra parts must, however, be safe for your child’s skin.

When the mix is wet and crumbly, press it into molds. Make this a hands-on project for kids by using different molds. Bath bombs need a few hours or a full night to dry and harden.

Always watch things, especially when essential oils and citric acid are involved. You’ll finish the project with a fun treat for your child to eat in the bath and valuable time spent learning and having fun.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, bath bombs can be used on your kids, and can help them in many ways.

Bath bombs can indeed add fun to your kid’s bath time. However, safety and caution are crucial. Always choose bath bombs with child-friendly, organic ingredients to prevent skin irritations. With correct usage and supervision, bath bombs can make bath time a delightful and safe experience for your little ones. Thanks for reading!