Can Kids Have Sushi? (Quick Answer!)

By KidSpaceStuff •  Updated: 04/15/24 •  7 min read

We’ve all heard mixed views, with some praising the health benefits of sushi while others expressing concern about potential risks. As a parent, it’s essential to have accurate, reliable information. 

In this article, we’ll dive into the often-discussed topic: “Can kids have sushi?”. I’ll explore the pros and cons, the appropriate age for kids to start eating sushi, and the types most suit them. With this knowledge, you can make a well-informed decision about introducing sushi into your child’s diet.

Now, Can Kids Have Sushi?

Yes, children can have sushi, but certain safety considerations must be kept in mind. 

According to the FDA, children under the age of 5 should not consume raw fish due to potential risks associated with bacteria and parasites, given their not fully developed immune systems. Therefore, sushi that contains raw fish may not be suitable for young children.

There are other foods that kids can eat that aren’t raw fish sushi. For instance, sushi with fillings like vegetables or eggs can be both healthy and fun for toddlers. Sushi made with lean fish and vegetables can provide important nutrients for brain development, such as omega-3 fatty acids, protein, Vitamin B6, and iodine.

The Basics of Sushi

A picture of different kinds of Sushi

Sushi, a traditional Japanese dish, captivates with its unique blend of flavors and ingredients. The term “sushi” refers explicitly to vinegared rice, not the fish that often accompanies it. There are several types of sushi, but the most common ones include:


In this type of sushi, a chef places a slice of raw fish on a small mound of vinegared rice. The chef sometimes adds some wasabi (a spicy, green condiment) between the rice and fish.


This type of sushi is the roll that most people recognize. A chef rolls fish, vegetables, and vinegared rice in a sheet of seaweed, called nori, and then slices it into bite-sized pieces.


 Although sushi restaurants often serve sashimi, it technically isn’t sushi because it doesn’t include rice. Sashimi involves filling thin slices of raw fish or seafood by themselves.


This dish involves topping a bowl of sushi rice with various raw fish and vegetables.

Regarding accompanying condiments, people often enjoy sushi with a side of soy sauce for dipping, wasabi for an added kick, and pickled ginger, known as gari, which cleanses the palate between different sushi servings.

In Japan, sushi is more than a dish—an art form—revered for the harmony it strikes between flavors, textures, and visual appeal.

Potential Health Benefits of Sushi

Let’s break down the potential health benefits of sushi in a clear and easy-to-understand manner:

  1. Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Many types of sushi include fish like salmon and tuna. These are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which support heart health and brain function.
  2. High in Protein: Fish and seafood are also high in protein, which is crucial for muscle growth and repair. The protein content makes sushi a satisfying meal.
  3. Source of Probiotics: The vinegared rice in sushi has probiotic properties, which can support gut health.
  4. Loaded with Vitamins and Minerals: Fish is rich in essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D, iodine, and zinc. Seaweed, often used in sushi rolls, is also a good source of iodine.
  5. Low in Calories: Compared to many Western foods, sushi is relatively low in calories, making it a potentially good choice for those watching their weight.
  6. Contains Antioxidants: The pickled ginger served with sushi provides antioxidants, which can help protect your body from free radical damage.

Remember that while sushi has these potential benefits, not all sushi is created equal. Sushi loaded with mayo-based sauces or tempura (battered and fried) ingredients will have higher calorie content and less nutritional value. The healthiest choices include sushi with fresh fish, vegetables, and minimal added sauces or extras.

Concerns with Kids Eating Sushi

While sushi can be a delicious and healthy meal, there are a few concerns regarding kids eating sushi. One of the main worries is the risk of foodborne illness. Sushi often includes raw fish, which carries a higher risk of food poisoning than cooked fish, especially if not prepared and stored correctly.

Additionally, some types of fish used in sushi are high in mercury, a heavy metal that can negatively impact a child’s developing nervous system. Large predatory fish, such as tuna, often have higher levels of mercury. While eating these fish occasionally is typically fine, they shouldn’t make up a significant part of a child’s diet.

There’s also the issue of choking hazards. Small pieces of fish, sticky rice, and tough seaweed can cause choking, especially in younger children who are still mastering their chewing skills.

Finally, some ingredients, like the wasabi often served with sushi, can be too spicy for a child’s palate. It’s also worth noting that some children may not enjoy sushi’s unique textures and flavors.

What Do Experts Say?

Sushi is safe for kids, according to many pediatricians and health experts, but there are some things to watch out for.

First, the AAP says that one-year-olds should eat fish, even sushi. Fish has protein and omega-3s, which are good for the brain. But they say that shark, swordfish, and bigeye tuna are not as good as salmon, shrimp, or light tuna in a can. Second, you are less likely to get sick from fresh sushi from a reliable source. The FDA says that parasites are killed when sushi-grade fish is frozen first.

Experts say that young children and people with weak immune systems should not eat raw fish sushi. Try shrimp tempura or veggie rolls instead. As with any new food, sushi should be given to kids slowly and allergies should be watched for. Make sure the sushi pieces are the right size so that small children don’t choke on them.

Tips for Introducing Sushi to Kids

Introducing sushi to kids can be an exciting culinary adventure. Here are some tips to ensure a positive and safe experience:

Tip # 1: Start with Cooked or Vegetarian Rolls 

It might be best to avoid sushi with raw fish initially. Instead, start with rolls that contain cooked ingredients like grilled chicken, shrimp tempura, or egg (tamago). Vegetarian rolls with cucumber (kappa maki), avocado, or pickled vegetables can also be a great introduction.

Tip # 2: Consider the Size 

Sushi rolls can sometimes be too big for small mouths. Consider cutting the pieces into smaller, manageable sizes to prevent choking hazards.

Tip # 3: Introduce Gradually 

Start with a small amount to see if your child likes it, and watch for possible allergic reactions. Gradually introduce new types over time.

Tip # 4: Mind the Extras

Be cautious with additions like wasabi and pickled ginger, as they might be too strong for a child’s palate. Similarly, go easy on the soy sauce to keep sodium levels in check.

Tip # 5: Make it Fun

Kids might enjoy the opportunity to try eating with chopsticks. Making the experience fun can help them be more open to new foods.

Don’t know how to enjoy eating sushi with kids? Check out the video below.

Tip # 6: Try Making Sushi at Home

This activity can be fun and educational. It lets you control the ingredients and ensure everything is fresh and safe. It’s also a great way for kids to appreciate the art of sushi-making.

Tip # 7: Encourage Exploration

Allow your child to explore the different textures and flavors. Encouraging a sense of curiosity can make trying sushi a more positive experience.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, kids can indeed have sushi, provided it is introduced thoughtfully and safely.

The rich flavors, diverse ingredients, and unique textures of sushi can expand a child’s culinary horizons while offering a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and other beneficial nutrients. However, it’s crucial to introduce sushi age-appropriately, focusing on cooked or vegetarian options initially, particularly for younger children.

Watching out for potential choking hazards, keeping portions small, and steering clear of sushi with high mercury content or too much sodium are key safety considerations. And, as with introducing any new food, gradual exposure while watching for any signs of food allergies is advised. Thanks for reading! 
