Can Kids Drive Golf Carts? (Quick Answer!)

By KidSpaceStuff •  Updated: 04/15/24 •  6 min read

Navigating the green expanses of a golf course is an exhilarating experience, especially when steering a zippy golf cart. However, the question on many parents’ minds is: can kids take the wheel of these miniature vehicles? 

In this article I’ll dive deep into the rules, safety guidelines, and age requirements surrounding youngsters driving golf carts. By the end, you’ll have a clearer picture of whether or not it’s tee time for your young ones to go.

Can Kids Drive Golf Carts?

A picture of 2 kids talking 

In general, kids cannot drive golf carts UNLESS they meet specific age and licensing requirements. 

For instance, golf cart drivers in North Carolina must possess a valid driver’s license and be at least sixteen. However, age requirements and regulations may differ from one jurisdiction to another. 

It’s essential to check local laws or the rules set by specific establishments or communities. Additionally, safety experts strongly advise against children six years and younger even riding in golf carts due to potential risks.

The Appeal of Golf Carts for Kids

Imagine you’re a kid and see adults driving cars, tractors, or other vehicles all the time. You probably think it’s cool and wish you could drive something, too, right? Well, that’s where golf carts come in!

Here’s why golf carts are appealing to kids:

  1. Mini Cars: Golf carts look like mini cars. Kids love anything that’s like a grown-up version but made just for them.
  2. Easy to Drive: Unlike real cars, golf carts are simpler. There are fewer controls, and they don’t go as fast, which can make them feel safer.
  3. Open Design: Golf carts are often available, meaning kids can feel the breeze, hear the sounds, and have a full view of their surroundings. It’s like a fun ride!
  4. Gives Independence: For a little while, kids can feel grown-up. They can “drive” their friends around or explore in a new way.
  5. Safe Speeds: Golf carts could be faster. This means parents or guardians might feel more comfortable letting kids have a turn under supervision.
  6. Community Fun: In some communities or vacation spots, it’s common to see families using golf carts as their primary mode of short-distance transportation. Kids get to join in on the fun!

The Importance of Supervision

Think of a golf cart like a bicycle. Just as you wouldn’t let a young kid ride a bike near a busy road without watching, you shouldn’t let them drive a golf cart without proper supervision.

Here’s why supervising kids with golf carts is important:

Are you wondering how a kid drives a golf cart? Check out the video below!

Golf Cart Safety Training

Golf Cart Safety Training for Kids is like a mini-driving school specifically for golf carts. Just as before getting behind the wheel of a car, someone would need lessons; kids should be taught how to operate a golf cart safely. 

In this training, kids learn the basics of driving a golf cart, like how to start, stop, and steer. They also know essential safety rules, such as always wearing seat belts, not overcrowding the cart, and always keeping hands and feet inside. 

The training emphasizes being aware of their surroundings, like looking out for other people, animals, or obstacles. It’s also vital for kids to understand that even though golf carts are fun, they aren’t toys. With proper training, kids can enjoy the freedom of driving a golf cart while making sure they stay safe and responsible.

Tips for Safe Golf Cart Driving

Letting kids drive a golf cart can be a fun experience for them, offering a taste of independence. However, like any vehicle, safety should always come first. Here are the top 7 tips to ensure kids can enjoy the ride while staying safe.

Tip #1: Seat Belts 

Always wear them! Just like in a car, they help keep you safe.

Tip #2: Speed

Keep it slow and steady. Remember, it’s not a race car!

Tip #3: Stay Seated 

Always remain seated when the golf cart is moving. No standing or hanging out.

Tip #4: Hands and Feet Inside 

Just like on a roller coaster, keep your hands and feet inside the cart at all times.

Tip #5: Don’t Overcrowd

If there are only four seats, then only four people should be on the cart.

Tip #6: Stay Alert

Watch out for people, pets, and obstacles. Always look where you’re going.

Tip #7: Follow the Rules

If there’s a sign or rule about where you can or can’t drive, follow it.

Alternatives to Kids Driving Golf Carts

While the allure of driving can be vital for many youngsters, it’s essential to remember that plenty of other enjoyable and safe modes of transportation are suited for kids. These alternatives offer mobility and add a dash of fun, exercise, or learning. Let’s delve into some of these exciting alternatives to kids driving.

  1. Bicycling: Instead of driving, kids can ride bikes. It’s fun, good exercise, and teaches balance and coordination.
  2. Scooters: Push or electric scooters are great for short distances and are easy to use.
  3. Walking: Good old-fashioned walking is healthy and gives kids time to explore their surroundings.
  4. Public Transport: Buses or trains can be an adventure for kids, and they learn about schedules and routes.
  5. Ride-Shares with Adults: Parents, older siblings, or trusted adults can lift kids when needed.
  6. Wakeboarding: It’s fun and relaxed, but always wear safety gear when wakeboarding.
  7. Rollerblading or Rollerskating: These are enjoyable ways for kids to move around and help with balance.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, kids can’t drive golf carts unless they are a certain age and have a license. 

With their manageable speeds and simple operations, golf carts often attract the attention of curious youngsters eager to emulate the adults around them. While these vehicles can offer kids a semblance of the independence and thrill of driving, they aren’t mere playthings. 

Safety remains paramount. With proper training, supervision, and an understanding of the responsibilities, kids can experience the joy of driving golf carts. However, guardians need to weigh the benefits against potential risks and ensure that young drivers are always under watchful eyes. After all, the goal is to create fun memories, not unfortunate mishaps. Thanks for reading!