Can Kids Drink Sparkling Water? (Quick Answer!)

By KidSpaceStuff •  Updated: 06/30/24 •  6 min read

There’s something refreshingly fizzy about sparkling water that tantalizes the taste buds and leaves one craving more. But when it comes to our little ones, many parents are left pondering: can kids drink sparkling water without any adverse effects? 

In this article, I’ll dig deep into the bubbling world of carbonated water, exploring its pros and cons for young sippers and clarifying whether it’s a safe choice for children—strap in for a fizzy journey into the effervescent world of sparkling water and kids.

Can Kids Drink Sparkling Water?

Glass of Sparkling Water with Ice Cubes

Sparkling water is fine for kids to drink, but there are some things to remember.

Kids shouldn’t drink too much sparkling water. Even though sparkling water is safer than pop, drinking it often can still damage your teeth. Tell kids to drink sparkling water in moderation and through a straw to keep it from coming in direct touch with their teeth.

What is Sparkling Water?

Sparkling water, also called “seltzer water” or “carbonated water,” contains carbon dioxide bubbles. This carbonation process results in the water having a fizzy or effervescent quality. 

The water can be naturally effervescent or carbonated artificially using carbon dioxide gas (CO2). In addition to CO2, sparkling water can contain other minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and sodium.

While there’s no specific age for introducing sparkling water, it’s generally best to wait until a child is at least toddler-age. Before that, infants primarily need breast milk or formula for nutrition and hydration. Once kids eat a varied diet, around 2 or 3, you can occasionally offer them sparkling water as a fun alternative to regular water. 

However, ensuring that sparkling water doesn’t contain added sugars, caffeine, or artificial flavors is crucial. Also, remember that the carbonation might make some kids feel bloated or gassy. Always prioritize plain water for daily hydration and offer sparkling water in moderation.

Differences between Sparkling Water, Soda, and Natural Mineral Water

Water comes in various forms, and it’s essential to understand the differences to make informed choices. Let’s dive into the distinctions:

  1. Sparkling Water: This is water that’s been carbonated, which means it has carbon dioxide bubbles. It can be naturally effervescent or artificially carbonated. It’s generally free of sugars and additives, although some flavored versions may contain natural essences.
  2. Soda: Also known as pop or soft drinks, soda is carbonated water with added sugars, flavors, and often caffeine. Sodas are usually sweet, can be high in calories, and come in various flavors. Consuming them frequently can contribute to health issues like obesity and tooth decay.
  3. Natural Mineral Water: This is water that comes from a mineral spring. It contains various minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These minerals give it a distinct taste. Unlike sparkling water, its effervescence can be naturally occurring due to the source of the water.

Possible Side Effects and Precautions

Like many things we consume, certain beverages and foods can have side effects. Here are some possible side effects and precautions to consider, especially when consuming carbonated drinks like sparkling water:

Tips for Introducing Sparkling Water to Kids

As adults, we often enjoy the bubbly sensation of sparkling water, but this might be a new and different experience for kids. Introducing sparkling water to them can be fun and exciting if done the right way. Here are seven simple tips to make the introduction a smooth one:

Tip #1: Start with Flavored Sparkling Water 

Flavored varieties can be more appealing to kids than plain sparkling water. Pick flavors like berry, lemon, or orange, which are usually kid-favorites.

Tip #2: Mix with Fresh Fruit 

Add a slice of lemon, orange, or a few berries to the drink. It not only enhances the taste but also makes the glass look appealing.

Tip #3: Begin with a Blend 

Start by blending sparkling water with their favorite juice. This can make the transition easier. For example, mix half sparkling water and half apple juice.

Tip #4: Use Fun Cups and Straws 

Kids love fancy drinking cups and colorful straws. Using these can make drinking sparkling water feel like a special treat.

Tip #5: Let Them Play Bartender 

Allow your kids to pour and mix their sparkling drinks. This gives them a sense of control, and they might be more inclined to try something they’ve made themselves.

Tip #6: Make it a Game 

Challenge them to describe the sensation. Is it ticklish? Is it like tiny bubbles? Making it fun and interactive can be intriguing for them.

Tip #7: Gradual Introduction 

Don’t rush it. If they don’t like it the first time, it’s okay. Wait a few days and try again, maybe with a different flavor or mix.

If you’re wondering what sparkling water does to your body, check out the video below!

Final Thoughts

To conclude, kids can drink sparkling water, but it’s essential to give it to them correctly to ensure they enjoy it. 

Sparkling water is a healthy, sugar-free choice of sugary drinks that keeps you hydrated. Parents should know that carbonation might make some kids’ stomachs feel funny. Also, it’s best to choose brands that don’t add sugar or artificial tastes so the drink is as natural as possible. As with any new food or drink, starting slowly and paying attention is important. Ensure your child likes the drink and has no bad reactions to it.