Can I Eat Salami While Pregnant? (Quick Answer!)

By KidSpaceStuff •  Updated: 04/15/24 •  7 min read

It can be hard to say no to a hot, tasty slice of salami, especially when you’re pregnant and want to eat. However, the question looms: is it safe to indulge in this cured meat delight when you’re expecting it? Navigating dietary do’s and don’ts can be a minefield during pregnancy, with many foods under scrutiny.

In this article, I’ll slice through the myths and facts surrounding salami consumption during pregnancy. Together, we’ll unearth the potential risks and expert guidelines, ensuring you’re well-informed before reaching for that charcuterie board. Let’s dig in!

Can You Eat Salami While Pregnant? 

Salami slices near spices and rosemary

Physicians typically advise against eating chilled deli meats, so it’s best to avoid salami during pregnancy.

Since salami is a cured meat, it may risk bacterial contamination if not properly handled or stored. Therefore, it is generally recommended that pregnant women avoid eating uncooked cured meats, including salami. If consumed, it’s best to ensure that the salami is thoroughly cooked to kill any potential bacteria.

If you’re considering adding salami to your diet while pregnant, it would be advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist to understand the potential risks and get personalized advice tailored to your specific situation.

What is Salami?

Salami is a cured sausage made primarily from fermented and air-dried meat, with pork being the most commonly used meat. Fermentation and air drying allow salami to be preserved and stored at room temperature for up to 45 days once it’s been cut. 

This preservation characteristic made salami popular among Southern, Eastern, and Central European peasants. It provided them with a reliable source of meat, especially in times when fresh beef might have been scarce or inconsistently available. Historically, salami has its origins in Italy.

Potential Risks of Eating Salami During Pregnancy

When pregnant, you naturally want to ensure you make the best choices for your baby’s health. Salami, a famous cured sausage, is one of the foods that pregnant women often have concerns about. Here’s why:

  1. Listeria Concerns: Salami is a cured, not cooked, meat. This means it can carry a bacteria called Listeria. If consumed, this bacteria can potentially lead to listeriosis, which may harm both the mother and the unborn baby.
  2. High Sodium Content: Salami contains high amounts of salt. Consuming too much salt during pregnancy can lead to high blood pressure, which has risks for both the mother and the baby.
  3. Nitrates and Nitrites: These are preservatives often found in cured meats like salami. While their effect on pregnancy isn’t fully understood, there’s a consensus to consume them in moderation.
  4. Food Poisoning: Like all foods, if salami isn’t stored or handled correctly, it can lead to food poisoning. During pregnancy, your immune system is slightly suppressed, making you more susceptible to illnesses.

Safe Alternative: If you crave salami, consider heating it until it’s steaming before eating. This can kill off harmful bacteria, reducing some of the risks.

Nitrates and Nitrites in Salami

Salami is a delicious cured meat many people enjoy, but have you ever wondered how it gets its unique flavor and long shelf life? The secret lies in two compounds: nitrates and nitrites. Let’s dive into these and why they’re used in salami.

Preservation: They help prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, which can spoil the meat.

Flavor: They contribute to the characteristic taste of cured meats.

Color: Nitrates and nitrites give salami its reddish hue, making it visually appealing.

Benefits of Eating Salami (in moderation)

Salami, a favorite for many in sandwiches or as a snack, isn’t just about taste; it also comes with certain benefits. Let’s explore the upsides of indulging in this cured meat:


Salami is rich in protein, an essential nutrient that supports muscle growth, repair, and overall body maintenance. A slice or two can be a quick protein boost!

Source of Vitamins and Minerals 

Salami contains B vitamins, especially B12, crucial in maintaining nerve health and forming red blood cells. It also offers essential minerals like zinc and iron, which are necessary for immune function and to transport oxygen in the blood.

Good Fats 

Though it’s best consumed in moderation due to its fat content, salami does contain some monounsaturated fats. These are the ‘good’ fats that can be heart-healthy when consumed in appropriate amounts.


One undeniable benefit of salami is its convenience. It’s ready to eat, requires no preparation, and has a longer shelf life than fresh meats, making it an easy on-the-go snack.

Enhances Flavor 

Apart from its standalone taste, salami can elevate the flavor profile of many dishes, from pizzas to kinds of pasta, adding a burst of savory richness.

Precautions to Take if Eating Salami While Pregnant

This means you shouldn’t eat any salami or deli foods until after you give birth, right? Not all the time.

The best thing to do is to stay away from deli foods like salami until right after delivery. If you really want salami, though, you should know that most people say you shouldn’t eat deli meat that is cold or “straight out of the package.”

Instead, heat it up in the oven or microwave until it’s steaming hot. At this point, there isn’t much chance that any germs or pathogens will stay.

Alternatives to Salami During Pregnancy

Certain foods, like salami, come with precautions when you’re pregnant. But that doesn’t mean you must miss out on flavor and variety! Let’s delve into some tasty and safer alternatives to salami during pregnancy:

Grilled Chicken or Turkey 

These lean meats are both nutritious and versatile. You can slice them up for sandwiches and salads, or have them as a main dish. Just ensure they’re well-cooked to eliminate any harmful bacteria.

Cooked Seafood 

Think grilled fish or shrimp. Rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids, they’re both delicious and beneficial for your baby’s brain development. Do steer clear of high-mercury fish like swordfish or king mackerel.

Vegetable Spreads:

 If you’re looking for sandwich fillers, why not try spreads made from avocados, hummus, or roasted vegetables? They’re wholesome, provide good nutrients, and can be very satisfying.

Tofu or Tempeh 

For those leaning vegetarian or vegan, tofu or tempeh can be excellent meat substitutes. Marinate and grill them, or add to stir-fries for a protein-packed meal.


While some soft cheeses are off the table during pregnancy due to bacteria concerns, many hard cheeses, like cheddar or mozzarella, are safe and can offer the savory kick you might be craving.

Are you curious what foods to avoid during pregnancy? Check out the video below!

Final Thoughts

To conclude, when you’re pregnant, it’s best to stay away from salami because most doctors say not to eat chilled store meats. 

Salami, like other cured meats, can contain harmful bacteria such as listeria, threatening both the mother and the unborn baby. Listeriosis, an illness caused by listeria, can lead to miscarriage, premature birth, and severe disease in newborns. 

Therefore, if you’re considering eating salami during pregnancy, eating it cooked or heated until it’s steaming hot is safest, as this process can kill off harmful bacteria. It’s always best to prioritize the health of both mother and baby and seek alternatives or take necessary precautions when consuming certain foods during pregnancy.

Have other pregnancy questions? Check out these guides!