5 Best Toys for Tummy Time (2023 Guide)

By KidSpaceStuff •  Updated: 04/15/24 •  10 min read

Tummy time is more than just a playful respite; it’s a foundational moment for our babies to strengthen and explore their budding abilities. Yet, belly-down can feel less than thrilling for some little ones. 

In this article, I’ll uncover best toys for tummy time that encourage prolonged play periods and stimulate developmental growth. Dive in to find the perfect additions to enhance those crucial minutes spent on the tummy!

Best Toys for Tummy Time 

1. Bright Starts Tummy Time Prop & Play

Bright Starts Tummy Time Prop & Play

 As a parent, the first few months with my baby are a mixture of excitement, exhaustion, and learning. One of the items that made a significant difference in our daily routine is the Bright Starts Tummy Time Prop & Play. It’s not just a mat. It’s a space designed for our little one to grow more robust and more active. 

Every time I lay my baby down on it, I can see the twinkle in their eyes, curiosity building as they explore the different textures and toys. The colorful and engaging designs keep them interested, and the plush padding ensures they are comfortable. Plus, having a safe space for tummy time is a relief, especially as I know how crucial this activity is for their development.

Product Feature



2. VTech Sit-to-Stand Learning Walker

VTech Sit-to-Stand Learning Walker

Oh, the joys of watching our little ones take their first steps! The VTech Sit-to-Stand Learning Walker has been our loyal companion through this monumental phase. When my baby was younger, they would sit and play with the removable play panel, fascinated by the vibrant colors, buttons, and sounds. 

As the months passed and they became more curious and mobile, the walker became an invaluable tool. It was like having a teacher and a cheerleader rolled into one, guiding them from sitting to standing and walking. My heart would swell with pride watching them push the walker, their tiny feet gaining confidence with each step. It was aiding them physically and mentally and sensorily; the walker was an explosion of learning opportunities. From numbers to shapes, music to mechanics – this was their little world of wonder.

Product Features



3. MAGIFIRE Tummy Time Baby Water Mat

MAGIFIRE Tummy Time Baby Water Mat

I WAS INTRIGUED AND SKEPTICAL when I first heard about the MAGIFIRE Tummy Time Baby Water Mat. A water mat? For a baby? But after seeing its effect on my little one, my skepticism vanished. Picture this: a sunlit room, your baby giggling and squirming on a water-filled mat, fascinated by the floating marine animals inside. 

The mat’s excellent surface contrasts with their warm skin, and they are entranced. This isn’t just play; this is sensory exploration at its best. Their eyes sparkled with wonder the first time my baby was on it. They would try to catch the floating sea creatures, enhancing their hand-eye coordination. Plus, it gave a fresh twist to tummy time, which, let’s admit, can sometimes be a challenging task. Every day became a new underwater adventure, and the living room transformed into a baby-friendly marine world.

Product Features



4. Lovevery Play Gym Activity Gym and Play Mat

Lovevery Play Gym Activity Gym and Play Mat

As new parents, we often find ourselves in a maze of endless baby products, each promising to be ‘the one.’ When we stumbled upon the Lovevery Play Gym Activity and Play Mat, it felt like we found a treasure. Unlike the typical play mats that last a couple of months, this one evolved with our baby. 

The first thing that caught our eyes was its aesthetically pleasing design – no overly bright colors or jarring patterns. The mat transformed our living room corner into a serene, educational play zone. Each time our baby lay on it, it was clear they were on a journey of discovery. Every day was filled with new milestones, from grasping the wooden rings to staring at their reflection in the mirror. It wasn’t just a play mat but an ever-evolving landscape of learning and fun.

Product Features



5. Taf Toys Koala Infant Tummy-time

Taf Toys Koala Infant Tummy-time

Navigating the world of baby products can sometimes feel like sifting through an endless sea of similar-looking items. But occasionally, you come across something that stands out – and that’s precisely what happened with the Taf Toys Koala Infant Tummy-time mat. The moment I unfurled the carpet, the charming design of a friendly koala greeted us. It was so much more than a mere mat; it felt like a mini adventure land for our baby. The plush texture immediately caught our little one’s attention, and they seemed eager to explore.

Over the weeks, it became evident that the Taf Toys Koala was not just a decorative piece but a carefully crafted playmate that kept our baby engaged and entertained during tummy time. From the rustling leaves to the mirror, every detail seemed to ignite curiosity in our baby’s eyes. The mat wasn’t just about fun but about fostering developmental milestones in the most delightful way.

Product Features



What to Consider When Purchasing a Tummy Time Toy

Tummy time is crucial for babies, promoting physical development and strengthening neck and shoulder muscles. The suitable toy can enhance this experience, making it enjoyable and beneficial. Here are some factors to keep in mind when choosing the perfect tummy time toy for your little one:

Safety First 

Above all, the toy should be safe for the baby. Ensure it’s made of non-toxic materials, devoid of sharp edges, and doesn’t have small parts that could pose a choking hazard. Always check if the toy meets safety standards and read reviews from other parents for added assurance and be sure to disinfect your toys from time to time.

Stimulating Features 

Babies are curious and love toys that offer a variety of textures, colors, and sounds. Consider toys with mirrors, different fabric textures, or gentle rattles that can hold a baby’s attention and stimulate their senses, making tummy time more engaging and longer-lasting.


Babies can be messy, and keeping their toys clean is essential. Opt for toys that are easy to wash or wipe down. This ensures that the toy can be quickly cleaned up even after drooling or spills and is safe for the baby to play with again.


Tummy time is wider than the home. Whether visiting grandparents or spending a day at the park, having a portable tummy time toy can be very handy. Choose something lightweight and easy to fold or carry, ensuring your baby can have fun and develop wherever you go.


Since babies can be enthusiastic explorers, the toys they play with must withstand some wear and tear. Durable toys ensure they last longer and remain safe, without the risk of parts breaking off.

Interactive Elements

As your baby grows, their interaction level with toys will increase. Consider toys that evolve with your baby’s development stages, like ones with buttons to press, flaps to lift, or areas to grasp. These prolong the toy’s relevance and enhance the baby’s motor skills and cognitive development.

Check out this fantastic video for tips on making tummy time both enjoyable and effortless for your baby!

Final Thoughts

Tummy time is an essential part of a baby’s growth and development. It helps strengthen neck, shoulder, and upper body muscles and is a precursor to critical milestones like rolling over, sitting up, and crawling.

For me, Bright Starts Tummy Time Prop & Play is the top choice in this category. What sets it apart is its thoughtful design tailored to provide both comfort and stimulation during tummy time sessions. The plush padding ensures the baby is comfortable, while the engaging toys and mirrors are strategically placed to capture their attention and encourage extended tummy time. Thanks for reading, and see you at the next one!

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