5 Best Stem Toys for 4 Year Olds (2023 Guide)

By KidSpaceStuff •  Updated: 04/15/24 •  10 min read

Children’s laughter fills the air as colorful gears spin, wooden blocks tumble, and tiny robots whizz around the floor. STEM toys, designed to inspire creativity and ignite the flames of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, have taken the playtime scene by storm, especially for our littlest innovators. 

For 4-year-olds, these toys are fun and instrumental in shaping their early cognitive development. In this article, I will dive deep into the fascinating world of STEM toys tailored for 4-year-olds, shedding light on their benefits and highlighting some of the best options available.

Best Stem Toys for 4 Year Olds

1. Doctor Jupiter My First Science Kit

Stem Toys - Doctor Jupiter My First Science Kit

As a parent always looking to introduce the wonders of science to my child, I recently purchased the Doctor Jupiter My First Science Kit. Let me tell you, it has been such a delightful addition to our collection of learning tools at home! I could see the spark of curiosity ignite in my child’s eyes when we opened it. If you’re a parent trying to find an engaging way to teach basic scientific principles to your young one, this kit might be the perfect fit for you. Here’s a detailed breakdown to help you decide:

Product Features



2. Nutty Toys Magnetic Tiles & Car Set

Nutty Toys Magnetic Tiles & Car Set - Stem Toys

If you’re like me and always looking for engaging toys that can entertain our little ones and stimulate their minds, then consider the Nutty Toys Magnetic Tiles & Car Set. This isn’t just another toy set; it’s specially designed to introduce kids to the wonders of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). We all know the importance of molding young minds to think critically and scientifically; this toy provides the perfect platform. What caught my attention is that it comes with magnetic tiles and cars, which means there are many building possibilities for our budding engineers!

Product Features



3. MAGNA-TILES Classic 100-Piece Magnetic

MAGNA-TILES Classic 100-Piece Magnetic - Stem Toys

Recently, I stumbled upon the MAGNA-TILES Classic 100-Piece Magnetic set, and let me tell you, it’s been a game-changer in our household! Designed with vibrant transparent colors, these magnetic blocks effortlessly snap together, letting our little ones craft myriad shapes and imaginative structures. 

Beyond the sheer fun of building, I’ve noticed a noticeable spark in my child’s creativity and cognitive growth. With their tactile experience, the tiles enhance spatial awareness, making it more than just playtime.

Product Features



4. PlayShifu Educational Globe for Kids

PlayShifu Educational Globe for Kids - Stem Toys

I recently introduced my kids to the PlayShifu Orboot Globe, and I must say, it’s not your everyday globe. This is one of the best globes for kids out there. Designed for the curious minds of our 4-10-year-olds, this globe seamlessly merges the tangible with the digital using Augmented Reality (AR). Picture this: your child scans a region of the globe with the companion app, and suddenly, they’re diving deep into diverse cultures, iconic landmarks, and majestic animals. It’s a captivating way to traverse the globe without ever leaving the living room.

What I particularly adore about the Orboot Earth globe is its borderless design. Seeing my kids learn about our world without the confines of modern borders or country names is refreshing. This thoughtful design nurtures a more holistic and unbiased understanding of the world. As a STEM toy, it’s a fantastic medium to instill both geographical insights and tech-savviness in our youngsters.

If you’re considering an engaging and enlightening toy, the PlayShifu Orboot Globe could be your answer. From the African savannahs to the rich tapestry of Asian culture, the journey it offers is enriching and genuinely global. Here’s to our little explorers embarking on countless adventures from our living rooms!

Product Features



5. Hape Monster Math Scale

Hape Monster Math Scale - Stem Toys

Given their sustainable and durable designs, I’ve always been a fan of Hape’s wooden toys. This gem is a unique blend of fun and education, designed especially to tickle those young mathematical minds. While I initially picked it up based on its catchy name and the STEAM tag (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics), it’s so much more than just a toy!

From what I’ve gathered, especially from Target’s listing, it’s a hands-on tool that introduces kids, preferably three and up, to the fascinating world of measurements and weight comparisons. Imagine our kiddos learning about weighing, balancing, and number relations while thinking they’re just playing! As parents, we know how critical it is to lay a strong foundation in these early years, and the Monster Math Scale makes that task interactive and entertaining.

Product Features



What to Consider When Purchasing a Stem Toy

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) toys have recently gained significant popularity. These toys are designed to engage children in these four core disciplines, sparking their curiosity and helping develop essential skills for the future. When deciding on the right STEM toy for your child, here are five crucial factors to consider:

Age Appropriateness 

Selecting a toy that aligns with your child’s age group is essential. An overly complex toy might frustrate a younger child, while a too-simple toy can bore an older child. Manufacturers often indicate age recommendations on the packaging, which can guide your decision.

Educational Value 

While all STEM toys have an educational aspect, some focus more on fun than learning. Check for toys that offer a balance of both. Ideally, the toy should promote problem-solving, critical thinking, and hands-on learning experiences.


Children often play rough. A good STEM toy should have high-quality materials that withstand drops, throws, and general wear and tear. Toys that break easily can waste money and pose a safety risk if they splinter or shatter.


A great STEM toy will provide hours of engagement, allowing children to explore different outcomes or solutions. Toys that offer multiple ways to play or that can be integrated into other playsets can provide a longer shelf life and better value for money.


Safety should always be a top priority. Ensure the toy has no small parts that can be a choking hazard for younger children. Also, check for non-toxic materials, especially if your child tends to put things in their mouth.

Price and Reviews 

While price shouldn’t be the sole determining factor, getting good value for money is essential. Online reviews from other parents can offer insights into the toy’s longevity, educational value, and overall worth.

Want to learn how to make your own toy cars? Check out the video below!

Final Thoughts

The importance of early education cannot be understated, especially when it’s about instilling a love for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The toys listed in this guide are tailored for young minds, ensuring that they play and learn. 

While each toy in this guide offers unique learning experiences, my top pick is the Doctor Jupiter My First Science Kit. This kit stands out due to its hands-on experiments that introduce foundational scientific concepts in an engaging and age-appropriate manner. Not only does it nurture a child’s innate curiosity, but it also fosters critical thinking and observational skills. Here’s to inspiring the next generation of innovators and thinkers!